Saturday, December 3, 2011

Flying Solo

Five of our six days we will be on our own.  Mama at home - 'E' in South Dakota with no cell phone.  Hold on - correction - I have a cell phone but it's not working or looking very well.  

Our conversation this morning was to revisit our food plans for the remainder of our 90 day commitment.  We have really been focusing on food--it  is the  pinnacle of this whole mission.   We can workout like crazy, but when we veer from our food plans, it cancels the progress.  The one key to food success--we must plan ahead. 

On the flip side we also must live.  This is where we will continually strive to find the balance.  What are your values...what is important to you?  The time we spend each day is a reflection of what is important to us.  Take a step back and look at your past week and see if it coincides with what you say is important.  If you need to do some rearranging, go for it!

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