Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The generation we are creating

Well, the pressure is on...again--No post yesterday!  We must be getting old or something, can't believe we have missed another day!  I will try to make this one a really good one!

I have had first hand experience over the last couple days of how my habits, especially in the food area have passed to some, possibly all four of my children.  Not pretty to say the least.  It is so hard to see your kids struggle in the same areas that you have struggled all your life.  When I see the same habits/throw some goodies in your mouth/emotional eating surface, it is difficult.  On the flip side, I also believe that the most difficult times are the ones we have the opportunity to learn the most from.

If you have struggled with your weight while you are raising your children, I encourage you to take a step back and critique your habits.  Children live what they learn--(someone famous said that I am pretty sure)  I pray each day for my children's physical, spiritual and emotional protection.  I must stop being the example that teaches them it is OK to overeat.  It is OK to skip this workout.  It is OK to jump to food as a vice.  No matter how many times I stress to them not to do time of me doing it, takes all those others away.

We are in the midst of an obese society.  Kids with more ailments, physically and mentally than I ever knew existed.  Society is not going to teach them anything different than push a button or take a pill and it will be fine.  It is up to us to teach our kids how to be healthy for a lifetime and how to put life into their years.  We are given one shot as parents...we must give them our best.

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